首先隆重登场的是湖南省博物馆的皿方罍!大家好,我是皿方罍(mǐn fāng léi)。我比石鼓年纪还要大哦!我已经3000多岁了,家在湖南省博物馆,我身材可是高大威武,是迄今为止出土的方罍中最大的一件。以前啊,人们喜欢把酒倒进我的肚子里,盛酒就是我的工作。后来我跟随主人云游四海,先去了湖南,后来在海外飘零了近百年,直到2014年才终于回到了祖国呢。想知道我更多的故事吗?那就快来成为我的守护超人吧!
I'm over 3,000 years old. I stay in the Hunan Museum. I'm the biggest Min of all that have been discovered. People used to pour wine into my belly, and that was just my job. I traveled to a lot of places with my owner, first Hunan, and then stayed overseas for almost 100 years, and finally I came back home in 2014. Want to know more about me? Come to be my Guardian!
故宫博物院的石鼓也有话要说!Hi 我叫石鼓(shí gǔ)。我啊,可有2000多岁啦,家在北京故宫博物院,体重有1吨多,虽然我的身材头细脚粗,但我不是普普通通的石头哦。我有9个兄弟呢,而且每个身上都刻着文字,被称为汉字的“祖宗”。大诗人韩愈还为我写过诗。想知道我更多的故事吗?那就快来成为我的守护超人吧!
I'm over 2,000 years old. I stay in the Palace Museum. My weight is more than 1 ton. I have a small head and a big body, however, I am not an ordinary stone. I have 9 brothers, and there are seal scripts on each of us, which are called the "ancestor" of Chinese characters. There is even a poem about me by a famous poet named Han Yu. Want to know more about me? Come to be my Guardian!
首先隆重登场的是湖南省博物馆的皿方罍!大家好,我是皿方罍(mǐn fāng léi)。我比石鼓年纪还要大哦!我已经3000多岁了,家在湖南省博物馆,我身材可是高大威武,是迄今为止出土的方罍中最大的一件。以前啊,人们喜欢把酒倒进我的肚子里,盛酒就是我的工作。后来我跟随主人云游四海,先去了湖南,后来在海外飘零了近百年,直到2014年才终于回到了祖国呢。想知道我更多的故事吗?那就快来成为我的守护超人吧!
I'm over 3,000 years old. I stay in the Hunan Museum. I'm the biggest Min of all that have been discovered. People used to pour wine into my belly, and that was just my job. I traveled to a lot of places with my owner, first Hunan, and then stayed overseas for almost 100 years, and finally I came back home in 2014. Want to know more about me? Come to be my Guardian!
I'm over 2,000 years old. I stay in the Palace Museum. My weight is more than 1 ton. I have a small head and a big body, however, I am not an ordinary stone. I have 9 brothers, and there are seal scripts on each of us, which are called the "ancestor" of Chinese characters. There is even a poem about me by a famous poet named Han Yu. Want to know more about me? Come to be my Guardian!
楼上的两位,你们别争了!我浙江省博物馆的玉琮还没说话呢!大家好大家好,我是玉琮(yù cóng)。要说到年纪,我可有5000多岁了,家在浙江省博物馆。我浑身上下都是玉石,身材内圆外方,身上四面还刻着神人兽样的脸。要知道,在古代我可是被用来拜神的,寄托着人们对美好生活的愿望。想知道我更多的故事吗?那就快来成为我的守护超人吧!I'm over 5,000 years old. I stay in the Zhejiang Museum. I'm made of jade. I'm round inside and square outside, with the images of god and beast face on all four sides of my body. I was used in worship in ancient times, carrying people's hopes for a better life. Want to know more about me? Come to be my Guardian!
听完国宝们的自我介绍。想不想先睹为快呢,可是石鼓在北京、皿方罍在湖南、玉琮在浙江,想看一下,另外5个国宝,也是在全国各地。要走一趟,还真有点难。别担心,VIPKID携手子品牌 Lingo Bus 联合中信出版集团《国家宝藏》图书,为孩子创造了一个“寻宝”活动——国宝守护V计划!